12th Congregation Ceremony
The Management, Principal, Staff, Students and Alumni of Accra College of Education wish to announce to 2019 and 2020 Graduands, Parents/Guardians and the General Public of its 12th Congregation Ceremony.
The details are as follows:
Date: Saturday 8th May, 2021
Time: 10:00am
Venue: College Auditorium
Graduands to be Presented:
1. 2019 Cohort (Regular)
2. 2020 Cohort (Regular)
3. All Graduands (Regular), UTDBE and Sandwich who have Passed and Received their Final Grades in the period.
The deadline for registration is Friday 30th April, 2021 at 5:00pm. Please, note that only registered graduands will be supplied with Academic Gowns.
Click on the link below to register if you want to attend the ceremony.
For further enquiries contact: 0244512449 / 0206088310 / 0244847359
By Management